
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

iPhone Conversations

I may not be like most married women who owns an iPhone. I mean sure, I use it to check social media 100 times a day and text more than I should, but I also think there is a time and place to do those things. I can't stand watching couples sitting at a table in a restaurant together with their noses stuck in their phones.

Where is the quality conversations nowadays? I don't know how people don't enjoy quality time talking about the dumbest things. Like the other day, we talked about the possibility that all kid shows are probably just adults on drugs. For example, for those of you who have seen The Magic School Bus as a kid knows that a fun-loving teacher, Ms Frizzle, has this magic school bus that can take them on impossible field trips to teach them about different things, such as the digestive track, or bacteria, or about music and sound. I remember saying to Stephen one day at dinner, "What if Ms. Frizzle is on drugs and the whole show is her hallucination of the field trip such as the time when she takes her class to the 'ocean' to learn about micro organisms, she is really in the school fountain shouting at confused kids to take a look at the micro organisms which turn out to be pennies kids throw in there?" These are the conversations I have with Stephen almost on a daily basis.

Anyways, speaking of smart phones, I was looking through my pictures and I noticed how many screen shots of text messages I have. I mean, I guess I thought I was hilarious enough or something to save them to my phone. I mean, I AM hilarious, but I'm also really humble about it. But seriously, have you ever had a conversation via text that just struck you as funny and you felt like you had to share it with someone? I have so many texts that it almost seems not fair to share them with y'all.

My parents are some of the funniest people I know. This is the type of random conversations I have with them.

*Disclaimer! In no way are either of my parents Bi...except my mom is bi pictorial.
Still trying to figure that one out.

This next picture is by no means a text message conversation, but merely a way to show how hilarious my parents truly are

I obviously get my humility from my father.
This one is my personal favorite; it's a conversation between my dad and me. My sister's name is Marissa and we nickname her Rissa. Auto correct turns "Rissa" into "Russia," so...

Russia is next

Lastly, here are the final few text messages between my husband and me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

 This one, if you remember, was the hamburger wrapping from the first blog entry. I forgot to add this there so here it is.

The roaring lion, the head of the household, the spider killer! Ladies and gentlemen, my husband.


Later that evening, the roaring lion of a husband almost slept on the couch.

All joking aside, I have a blast with my family, no matter where they are. I enjoy the entertainment they provide.
What are your thoughts? Have you ever had a texting conversation (not at the dinner table) that just made you laugh?

Monday, October 7, 2013

We are THAT couple

Stephen and I have become THAT couple. You know the really gross ones that nuzzle noses in the airport or match outfits for no reason at all? Yes, that is what we have become in only 10 months; the couple most people see and quickly pretend to get a phone call and walk the other way. I kind of think it's great though because you don't see that very often. Okay, you see it all the time, but do we really see it in a couple married for 20, 30+ years anymore? Am I the only one who thinks it's incredibly adorable to see an elderly couple hold hands or see the gentleman open the door for his sweet little wife even if he barely has the strength to open the door? I love it!

How do I know that we have crossed the line of serious infatuation? Stephen and I just got back from visiting a seminary in Boston that Stephen has been looking into for grad school. We were the only married people in the open house group so it was awkward from the beginning. We got there late because of our flight delay and when we walked in to eat lunch, everyone was already done and about to take the campus tour so we had to grab our lunch and go. As we were taking the tour, we were laughing at each other because we were stuffing our faces with food and trying to look normal while we walked. I swear I felt like everyone was giving us "the look."

 The "please Lord don't let them be THAT couple because I will lose my lunch if they are," type of look.
Fortunately, no one lost their lunch and we only nuzzled noses once a few times.
I had quite a few people ask me what I would be studying if I went there and I had to explain to them that I wouldn't be studying anything and that my husband is the one interested in grad school. I don't think the single people knew what to say when I said I would just be a seminary wife, here to support my husband in whatever he chooses to do. Their response was more or less:

And secretly on the inside they were doing this:
If that wasn't enough, I noticed we have become THAT couple because the other night we went to a candle party together. a CANDLE PARTY! I mean, don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore candles, especially in the fall and Christmas time when your place smells like a pumpkins and cinnamon and/or Christmas trees... but who goes to a candle party together? We do. And we accidentally matched. I actually liked it. I can't speak for Stephen just yet because he is still trying to find his dignity. But at least our apartment smells like pumpkins while he does so.
But in all seriousness, Stephen is a champ! He really has been a sport for doing the silly girly things with me like going to candle parties and trying the expensive shampoo so I can see if I like it on his hair or not. I'm proud to be THAT couple and I hope we do until we can't remember if we are a couple or not from old age.
What do y'all think? Are you THAT couple? Or if you are single, are you disgusted by those couples? What are your thoughts?