
About Us

We met at a private Christian school in Tennessee before freshman year. There was always a running joke in small Christian schools called, "ring by spring," or, "you may meet your husband in the registration line." You see, Stephen and I are so cool, we met each other BEFORE registration. We met at a two week summer program designed to jump start your college experience and give you a few college credits.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we met, we were friends, we dated, we did the "ring by spring" thing and then we Kiss Kiss, I do, bing, bang, boom, we're married. Whew.

This blog is just to entertain, it's not advice by some 60 something year old gray headed lady with a PhD. I tell you the stories that happen in real life, as a married couple. I tried to make a blog specific to newlyweds who may need a good laugh. Being married is not easy, especially the first year and sometimes it's good to know that you're not alone in the first year struggles club. I LOVE people and hearing your stories as well!

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