DO: Eat as many pastries as as you can possibly consume.
Okay, so this blog entry is about a 5K, not the bakery, but seriously, eat as many pastries as possible if you go to Carlo's.
Stephen and I just got back from running in The Color Run 5K in Atlanta, GA with a few friends of ours, and let me tell y'all, it was a blast! However, there are a few tips and tricks everyone should know before they step foot (pun intended) into the first race.
Before I impart my extensive wealth of knowledge on you, I think I am legally required to say that I do not have an extensive wealth of knowledge about 5Ks or any race for that matter and I only know what I know from my one time experience thus far.
Without further ado:
1. Do NOT go to sleep later than you normally do the night before the race thinking you can get up and get ready in only 30 minutes.
2. Do NOT wait until 3 minutes before your wife's perfectly scheduled departure time to decide to shave your face and take a shower.
3. DO drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated, HOWEVER,
4. Do NOT drink lots of coffee and rely on your bladder of steel to tide you over until the race is over.
5. DO take before and after pictures
6. DO get there in plenty of time to actually start the race at the same time as your friends.
Yes, we were late for the race. But Stephen was clean... and we tried to catch up with our friends.
7. Do NOT forget to wear protective eye ware. You will get colorful cornstarch in your eyes.
8. Do NOT breathe in the colorful cornstarch. Even if your lungs are about to shrivel up and die from the lack of oxygen. don't do it.
Do as I say not as I do.
9. DO remember to take advantage of all of the free chocolate flavored coconut water as demonstrated by the lovely Ella (also showing off her skillful cross fit squats.)
10. DO offer to clean off your husbands face so he looks somewhat presentable at lunch
11. Do remember to take lots of pictures and have a blast with good friends!
A lot of color comes off at the air blowing stations at the end so my shirt doesn't look as impressive, but I am extremely proud of us finishing our very first 5K.
What do y'all think? Do you have any good color run stories? What about any racing stories?